Hello team archway

I cannot wait to meet some of you on the mat soon. Head to the page Class Bookings to book your space and use the code on your voucher to book.

If you have any issues with your vouchers or queries about the classes jump to the bottom of the page here to get in touch with me.

Look forward to seeing you soon!


I cannot wait to meet some of you on the mat soon. If you have any issues with your vouchers or queries about the classes jump to the bottom of the page here to get in touch with me. Otherwise, here’s a current timetable of my classes which you can join.

I’m starting a block of beginners classes in February that you’re welcome to put your voucher towards. And there will be more events and workshops popping up soon that you can also join us for! More details as I have them.

FRESH TO YOGA: Beginners Yoga

  • A 4-week block of classes

  • 8.45-9.45 Saturdays

  • 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th February