creative yoga sequencing in aberdeen

You’ll find me at Breathing Space Studio, teaching vinyasa yoga; with lots of repetition, chances to challenge ourselves or options to pull back and chill a little. Join us on the mat, and come and explore the breath, the body and the mind.

prefer something more personal?

get in touch to book a one to one class, or a class for you and a friend.

come join a yoga class, with the loveliest souls in aberdeen.

Class Descriptions

  • Slow Club

    This is a super chill 45-minute session. Come and give yourself the chance to slow down; twist, stretch and breathe. A mix of hatha, restorative and yin yoga. This is excellent if you need to quieten the mind or the central nervous system, or if you’re new to yoga and want a gentle way to explore your body.

  • Vinyasa Yoga

    Vinyasa is a lovely, flowing way to practice yoga. Moving with your breath we’ll move through a creative vinyasa flow, using reputation to build confidence in the body and mind… Think meditation in motion.

    Beginner/all welcome, with lots of options and variations available for a softer or stronger practice.

  • Intermediate vinyasa yoga

    Not too dissimilar to our vinyasa class, just a little faster flowing. Playing with stronger surya namaskars, occasional inversions and binds.